Custom Built Homes & Custom RTM
What’s The Best Fit For Me?
When deciding between an on-site or RTM build the main determining factor on which route you should take is your location from us. Our general rule of thumb is if your property is within a one and a half hour driving radius from Steinbach, then an on-site build is possible. If you are interested in a two-story or a home with a higher pitched roof, then on-site may be a better option due to high moving costs.
A majority of our RTM homes head west to the Manitoba/Saskatchewan border where quality trades are harder to find. The furthest RTM home we sent west is to a town just outside of Edmonton. Otherwise, majority of our projects are onsite custom build. Onsite includes the area of Steinbach, but we have also serviced areas such a Winnipeg, Gimli, Lac Du Bonnet, Ste. Rita and Piney.
Get in touch with us to determine which route is the best option for your family.

Custom Built, On Site Homes
We manage your entire project on-site from the initial planning and excavation to the final finishing touches to make sure your dream home is move-in ready. With on-site builds the floor plans and options are endless. We’ll ensure the plan you choose falls within any property development restrictions.
Our Custom Home Process
Get ideas and pick a floor-plan; either from our website or really anywhere else you find inspiration (magazines, internet, etc). If you don't know what type of plan you are looking for, we can suggest options together to find one that best suits your needs. If you don't see anything that you like we can create a custom plan from scratch to create your dream home.
We meet to discuss the plan and customize it accordingly to your needs. In the meeting, we discuss details such as; types of interior finishes, exterior finish options, etc. If we are doing an on-site build we would discuss the type of services to your property such as gas, hydro, sewer and water.
When we have finished up the customized drawing we will send it to you for approval. Once you have reviewed it we will price it for you. This process can go back and forth until you are completely satisfied with the plan and budget. Once you are satisfied, we will determine a final costs. You will receive a package that includes the drawing and complete specifications detailing the entire project with the total cost.
Once you have reviewed the documents and your questions have been answered, we can move forward and sign the contract. Then we can start on the official engineered working drawings, apply for permits, and order material. Our stamped drawings only apply to homes that stay in Manitoba. Customers who are from outside of Manitoba will receive the complete working drawings that are ready to be stamped by the local engineer who is licensed in that specific province.
Pre-fab Construction
Springwood Homes believes in quality construction and has invested heavily in this philosophy by building a modern 5000 sq. ft. shop. We built this shop with energy efficiency in mind including a geothermal heating/cooling system.
This indoor controlled environment allows our team to focus on building your home with a high degree of accuracy without having to contend with mother nature’s harsh prairie winters. This results in shorter build times as we are not as dependent on the weather.
The majority of the framing components of your home include walls, window bucks, backing, cross bridging, custom cut rigid insulation and wood constructed insulation stops. Other components we have built in our shop include custom gable brackets and custom stairs.

Ready to Move Homes
We build custom RTM homes on our yard from the floor joist up, with the main floor being completely finished and ready to be placed on the foundation and hooked up to services once on location.
Our RTM homes have a variety of different styles and sizes - we have built RTM homes that are over 2,300 sq. ft.
Our RTM Home Process
Get ideas and pick a floor-plan; either from our website or really anywhere else you find inspiration (magazines, internet, etc). If you don't know what type of plan you are looking for, we can suggest options together to find one that best suits your needs. If you don't see anything that you like we can create a custom plan from scratch to create your dream home.
We meet to discuss the plan and customize it accordingly to your needs. In the meeting we discuss details such as; types of interior finishes, exterior finish options, etc. If we are doing an on-site build we would discuss the type of services to your property has such as gas, hydro, sewer and water.
When we have finished up the customized drawing we will send it to you for approval. Once you have reviewed it we will price it for you. This process can go back and forth until you are completely satisfied with the plan and budget. Once you are satisfied, we will determine a final costs and you will receive a package that includes the drawing and complete specification detailing the entire project with the total cost.
Once you have reviewed the documents and your questions have been answered, we can move forward and sign the contract. Then we can start on the official engineered working drawings, apply for permits, and order material. Our stamped drawings only apply to homes that stay in Manitoba. Customers who are from outside of Manitoba will receive the complete working drawings that are ready to be stamped by their local engineer who is licensed in that specific province.
What's the Difference?
Although the building codes for RTM and on-site builds are nearly identical, we choose to reinforce our RTM builds with extra material. For example, instead of just drywall, we use 7/16” OSB for the interior ceiling sheathing. Upgrades such as this ensure a more rigid home to withstand the move.
RTM Homes are designed to be shipped to the property. As a general rule of thumb, homes that are rectangular in shape and have a 5/12 pitch roof or lower will ensure the most cost-effective move. We work inside these requirements to come up with a unique plan to suit you and your family.